My girls love watermelon. We buy watermelon flavored candy, lip gloss, toothpaste, and drinks! So, of course, our garden has watermelon, too!
There's no time to blog, celebrate, or complain... I've got pickling, canning, and freezing to do!
August 29, 2013 Read more
Canning wasn't hard! If you can follow directions, you can can (get it?)!
In agriculture, we are trying very hard to get the word out: we feed the world.
June 24, 2013 Read more
Do you remember hearing any of these old sayings and proverbs from your grandparents or parents? When the stars begin to huddle, the earth will soon become a puddle.
April 11, 2013 Read more
Every fall, the wheat farmer enters planting season with great optimism.
Recently, I shared a video with you demonstrating how I took a soil sample from my garden. I brought my “bags of dirt” to our county extension office. Well, the suspense is over! I have the results.
September 22, 2011 Read more
Get the most out of your garden! Dee McKenna, Nutrients For Life blogger, takes you to her backyard and demonstrates how to take a soil sample.
September 15, 2011 Read more
One of my oldest, dearest, childhood friends, Tina, married a farmer and is living the farm life in western Iowa. During our youth, she spent many hours on our farm.
June 7, 2011 Read more