We did it! For the first time ever, we grew pumpkins and peanuts! Adding new crops to the garden keeps our fingernails dirty and our interested peaked.
We are in the dog days of summer and there isn't a lot to report in the garden. The hail set us back so while others are harvesting, we are waiting and watching for everything to grow, bloom and produce. As we wait; we water, weed and fertilize.
Oh Hail! I watched the dark clouds roll in as I weeded the garden. I thought I would weed until it started raining, however, when the lightning started I headed to the house. Within twenty minutes, the garden was gone. Hail and high winds shredded my tender plants as I helplessly watched from the window.
June 25, 2014 Read more
With the weeds under control (for today) I had time to fertilize. The sweet corn is about twelve inches tall, a good indicator that it’s time to fertilize. Sweet corn needs more nitrogen than a lot of other garden vegetables.
June 12, 2014 Read more
Mr. Jensen, agriculture teacher in Nebraska, has always spent a lot of time outside. From landscaping with his wife to activities like hiking and camping, he knows the value of getting some fresh air. Now, with the creation of a growing dome, his students are able to connect with nature while at school!
March 24, 2014 Read more
The Nutrients for Life Foundation is proud to provide its latest free education resources: The Potash Mining Video and Potassium Cycle Poster.
February 12, 2014 Read more
"Just plant it, seed is cheap!" says Micah Weber of Rock Valley, Iowa. Mr. Weber has been the Agriculture Education Instructor for grades seven through twelve at Rock Valley Community School for the past 13 years.
I feel like I am living a version of “Tomatoes Gone Wild.” Our garden has out produced the needs of my family of five. The cupboards, pantry, storage closet, and freezer are full of garden fresh goodness preserved for winter meals, especially anything and everything tomato based.
Mr. Cole heard about the Helping Communities Grow program for FFA chapters and thought, "my students would enjoy that." Little did he know, deciding to participate in the competition would lead to reconnecting with a classmate from over 40 years ago and so, so much more.
"Gardens make children better, happier and more helpful" is Tracy Mendoza's motto when talking about her students and their school garden.
September 23, 2013 Read more