Water Quality
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, in 2019 the United States had more than 897 million acres of agricultural land. Proper nutrient management on these acres is essential to maintaining the productivity of our farms and ranches as well as protecting water quality in our lakes, streams and rivers as well as groundwater supplies.
Applying just the right amount of nutrients to the soil at the right time requires farmers and ranchers to be very thoughtful. Too little and the soil can’t sustain healthy crops; overuse or incorrect use of nutrients can negatively affect water quality and the farmer’s operating costs.
To avoid the negative impacts, farmers use the latest research and technology to help them design and implement nutrient management plans tailored to their farms. These plans promote efficient fertilizer application, maximize agricultural productivity on each acre, and promote environmental sustainability.
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Water quality and nutrient management is a complex issue. In this digital case study you will investigate the science of water quality challenges in Lake Erie. Get perspectives from farmers and researchers as they develop strategies to protect water quality.
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