
Cultivating More Than Soil
As a mom, my happiest moments are when we are working together as a family. That often happens in our little backyard garden. My husband and I work side-by-side showing our three daughters how to nurture the earth for a bountiful harvest. Through this experience, we cultivate much more than soil. Life lessons such as delayed gratification, problem solving, collaboration, hard work, and more.
Learning Garden 6: Building
The educational and environmental impact of an outdoor classroom and learning garden is not easily measured, but it certainly can be measured by a smile when they bite into a freshly picked apple.
Learning Garden 4: Designing the Garden
As I drive to the grocery store, I pass a school with an outdoor classroom and learning garden. I have often been envious of the space and considered how lucky they are to have it. A few years ago, the school principal contacted the Extension Office asking for help from the Master Gardeners. Despite having an amazing resource, only one (yes, one) teacher uses the space. An incredible resource left fallow and neglected by most of the staff. How can this happen? What went wrong? Why aren’t they using it?
Starting Seeds Part 2: Simple PVC Light Stand
A simple PVC pipe light stand is a relatively inexpensive way to construct an effective plant stand. I bought all of the supplies for $39.15 and it took me about 20 minutes to cut the PVC and assemble the light stand (that with a toddler sitting on my lap).
How to Make A Terrarium
My glass-encased little world instantly filled my garden-less void. When I am on an endless conference call or the magazine deadline is in thirty minutes while I can’t remember my password for my e-mail, it is so nice to peer into my little garden. Now if I could just find a miniature gnome statue or perhaps a mini-pink flamingo…
Leaves as Mulch!
Pictures of kids playing in leaves have been constant on my Facebook page the past few weeks. Children have big smiles as they are literally covered in nature.
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