
Spring, where are you?
Do you remember hearing any of these old sayings and proverbs from your grandparents or parents? When the stars begin to huddle, the earth will soon become a puddle.
Learning Garden 13: First Harvest
Twenty days after planting tiny radish seeds, the second graders harvested bright red radishes. Radishes are a great first crop; they sprout and grow quickly. Not much for delayed gratification but instant success! The students stood at the edge of the raised bed and pulled their very own radish. They were curious, intrigued, and fascinated with how a tiny seeds grew into a red round vegetable. An excellent example of the natural process of plant growth and development, where the combination of sun, soil, nutrients, water, and air can produce a consumable substance.
First Tomato
My three year-old and I were watering the garden and saw something red in the midst of green leaves. We reached in with excitement: our first tomato of the season - yum!
Cultivating More Than Soil
As a mom, my happiest moments are when we are working together as a family. That often happens in our little backyard garden. My husband and I work side-by-side showing our three daughters how to nurture the earth for a bountiful harvest. Through this experience, we cultivate much more than soil. Life lessons such as delayed gratification, problem solving, collaboration, hard work, and more.
Learning Garden 5: Volunteers
Have you heard the joke, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time”? I might add, “with a lot of volunteers!” That’s how this garden project is going; we tackle one step at a time. First the vision, then the fundraising, and now the building: All of this is accomplished with the help of parent volunteers. We can hardly wait to see our kids learning in the outdoor classroom! Until then, we have skid loaders, scaffolding, tools and piles of dirt.
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