
Problem Solving: Garden Challenges
Every gardener faces challenges in their garden at some point. Arguably, the most frustrating issue is when the garden isn't producing. I recently received this text from a friend, “Garden is weird; it’s tall and full, but not producing.”
Pink Tractor: Balcony Garden
This is our second guest post from Pink Tractor and we love the topic! For those of us with space constraints, this gardening post is for you. Where there's a will, there's a way!
Nutrients in the Garden 18: Oh Hail
Oh Hail! I watched the dark clouds roll in as I weeded the garden. I thought I would weed until it started raining, however, when the lightning started I headed to the house. Within twenty minutes, the garden was gone. Hail and high winds shredded my tender plants as I helplessly watched from the window.
Meet Pink Tractor
We have a big garden, a few acres of brome hay, one heifer, two steers and a barn full of cats. I wish I could say that was enough to make me a farmer, but it doesn’t. I just tell people we pretend to farm.
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