
How to Properly Diagnose Plant Deficiencies
After enjoying an afternoon of swimming, we came home for more water fun – that is watering the garden and flowers. Watering is a chore that cannot be skipped during hot summer days. As I was watering my day lilies I noticed yellow leaves. I turned my attention from watering to diagnosing.
How to Plant and Fertilize Tomatoes
As you may recall in March I started tomato seeds inside. I wanted to prove to myself that I could successfully start plants from seed. I often hear master gardeners talk about their seed starting success; I guess I wanted to be just like them. Ha!! To the fault of my busy schedule the little plants remained little plants and are not nearly as large as the ones I see at the garden centers. Today, I broke down and bought big tomato plants to replace my pathetic little ones I planted two weeks ago. I guess it’s my garden ego needing nurtured. A friend from Texas posted pictures of her freshly harvested tomatoes today. Although she is in zone nine and I am in zone six, I felt my competitive spirit stirring.
How to Plant Annual Flowers
I love digging in the dirt! It’s probably why I buy so many annuals every year- more digging! The one annual that I plant every year is the begonia. It always looks great from the road and provides the color I desire for that part of the landscape.
Potassium in the Soil
I can’t get enough of our local garden show; thankfully I was able to spend two days taking it all in. The heart of the show are spectacular displays of full grown trees, shrubs, and flowers massed together in large architectural landscapes created by local garden and landscape businesses.
Phosphorus in the Soil
I just used my last garden onion and it’s March! I did a little dance and expressed gratitude to the onion for bringing flavor to our dinner. I have failed at winter preservation in the past. This year, I finally got it right. We have enjoyed onions all winter long without shopping the produce aisle at the grocery store. Within three weeks, conditions will be favorable for planting potatoes and peas. But I know that my garden soil needs a little TLC before I start digging.
It’s Not Dirt
It´s never dull when there is a three-year-old in the house. They are so darn curious and need an answer for everything. I entertain questions like
Planes, Trains and Gardens
What have I got myself into? As spokesperson for Nutrients for Life, I am expected to blog and be available to the media. I had no idea I would be shot into the spotlight so quickly (can you just see my ego bursting!).
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