
Cultivating More Than Soil
As a mom, my happiest moments are when we are working together as a family. That often happens in our little backyard garden. My husband and I work side-by-side showing our three daughters how to nurture the earth for a bountiful harvest. Through this experience, we cultivate much more than soil. Life lessons such as delayed gratification, problem solving, collaboration, hard work, and more.
Learning Garden 2: Long-Term Sustainability
After a week of rain, progress on Benton’s Backyard outdoor classroom and learning garden can be seen. Sunburnt and covered in dirt, a few hard working dads framed up the sidewalks, shed floor, pergola floor and mow strips in preparation for concrete to be poured. Our students returned from spring break to witness all of the changes.
Leaves as Mulch!
Pictures of kids playing in leaves have been constant on my Facebook page the past few weeks. Children have big smiles as they are literally covered in nature.
Harvesting Flower Seeds in the Fall
As we winterize our landscape and garden, I make a point to have my girls help me collect seeds. This hands-on activity gives them a real-life experience that ties them to the complete cycle of plant life. Nature regenerates itself in anticipation of the spring to come.
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