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June 24-27 National Ag in the Classroom Salt Lake City, UT

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Garden Calendar: August Tips
It was a root and tuber kind of weekend; we pulled carrots and dug potatoes. The harvest makes me thankful for the hours of sweat I put into keeping the weeds out and the soil fertile. August finds me in the kitchen preserving produce from the garden. It makes for some long days but it is well worth it!
July Garden Update
It’s mid-July, how is your garden looking? Healthy, buggy, brown, yellow, weedy: these words describe different areas of my garden all while I am waiting, oh so patiently, for the tomatoes to turn red. While I wait, there are other veggies ready to be harvested!
Garden Calendar: June Tips
There is lots of gardening to do in June! The garden is growing and so are the weeds! Check out my garden help; don’t let the photo fool you. They were in the garden for less than fifteen minutes. I’ll take what I can get.
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