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June 24-27 National Ag in the Classroom Salt Lake City, UT

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Nutrients in the Garden 11: Why Fertilize?
This week we will continue to talk about soil, more specifically, nutrients in the soil. I often get asked, “Why do I need to fertilize?” My response is this, if you want a healthy, productive garden, you need it.
Nutrients in the Garden 9: When To Plant
Spring is such a tease! Yesterday at noon it was 72 degrees and then by three o’clock it was 42 degrees with 35 MPH winds. Days like that remind me why we are not in the garden yet, even though it is technically spring. It’s not time.
Nutrients in the Garden 8: Soil for Container Gardening
While working on our advanced degrees, my husband and I lived in a tiny apartment with an even tinier balcony. We were living off student loans and trying to make the most of it. The balcony was the only place for me to garden. It wasn’t ideal, but I was determined to garden. Where there's a will, there's a way!
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