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June 24-27 National Ag in the Classroom Salt Lake City, UT

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10 Reasons to Visit Your Farmers Market
While I wait for my garden to mature, I support my local farmers market and road side stands. I have always been grateful for farmers markets. They have given me fresh produce when I didn’t have the time and space to plant my own garden. During my youth, the farmers market was a source of income (and entertainment) for my family.
Nutrients in the Garden 18: Oh Hail
Oh Hail! I watched the dark clouds roll in as I weeded the garden. I thought I would weed until it started raining, however, when the lightning started I headed to the house. Within twenty minutes, the garden was gone. Hail and high winds shredded my tender plants as I helplessly watched from the window.
Meet Pink Tractor
We have a big garden, a few acres of brome hay, one heifer, two steers and a barn full of cats. I wish I could say that was enough to make me a farmer, but it doesn’t. I just tell people we pretend to farm.
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