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June 24-27 National Ag in the Classroom Salt Lake City, UT

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Diggin Dirt at Durham
I love teachers. They are a group of men and women whose career choice is more like a calling to them than a job. From my large farm family in Southeastern Idaho, only one corporate guy, me, emerged.
Poison Ivy: An Itching Sensation
All I can think about is scratching my left arm. Unfortunately, I have poison ivy. If you have had it, you know exactly what I am talking about. If you have never had it, be grateful.
Extension Master Gardeners
When I am introduced as a Master Gardener, I am often asked an assortment of landscape or unique plant questions. I love being a Master Gardener for that very reason. It opens the door of education.
Sometimes it’s hard to imagine that gardeners experience some of the same frustrations in their home gardens that farmers see on their huge plots of land.
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