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June 24-27 National Ag in the Classroom Salt Lake City, UT

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Starting Seeds Part 2: Simple PVC Light Stand
A simple PVC pipe light stand is a relatively inexpensive way to construct an effective plant stand. I bought all of the supplies for $39.15 and it took me about 20 minutes to cut the PVC and assemble the light stand (that with a toddler sitting on my lap).
Starting Seeds – Part 1
I ran into our local farm and home store to buy a bag of dog food for our well-fed overweight, four legged family member. To my delight, there was a large display of seed potatoes, onion sets, garlic, seeds, soil, garden hoses, starter fertilizer, etc. Gardening season is quickly approaching in my zone!
Fish Fertilizer
I don’t know how long he had been floating but it was obvious, our beta fish had passed away. After I broke the news to my three girls, it was time to bury our beloved (often neglected) fish, Goldie.
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