One thing is for sure: strangers don’t quite know what to say when asked if they know anything about fertilizer.
This past weekend, our Master Gardeners sponsored educational tours that featured seven spectacular residential gardens. Master Gardeners were present at all gardens to answer questions and present demonstrations, all for ONLY $10. I had the privilege of working Saturday morning at a beautiful oasis...
What have I got myself into? As spokesperson for Nutrients for Life, I am expected to blog and be available to the media. I had no idea I would be shot into the spotlight so quickly (can you just see my ego bursting!).
My weakness is "fill a flat" sale! I lose all self control! With two of my three in tow, we pulled into my favorite garden center, the parking lot was full, and the check outline was out the door. It´s almost embarrassing to
I think everyone should have a garden, so I talk about it all of the time. It must be working; my girlfriends are now gardening with their families. They are shopping the garden centers, sending me texts, calling me over to show what’s blooming and I LOVE IT!