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June 24-27 National Ag in the Classroom Salt Lake City, UT

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Gardening Calendar: Spring Garden Tips
Today is the first day of Spring! That means fun in the mud at my house! Spring means different things around the country; it’s time take advantage of the warmer weather and start prepping the garden and yard. Here’s a look at your March to-do list. Pick your region and get to work.
Preparing Soil for Winter
Leaves are falling and the air is crisp; fall is definently here. Another year eaten, canned and preserved! The garden season is over. It’s time to put away canning supplies, garden tools and prepare for winter to come.
10 Ways Soil Nutrients are Similar to Human Nutrients
“Show me your hands! Wow, they look too clean! Let’s get them dirty!” School is way more fun when the students get to dig in! I am a regular volunteer at our school garden and the students love to see me in the hallway because they know they are going to get dirty while they learn.
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