Caring for Our Watersheds
H2Know and Caring for our Watershed are two amazing programs with the mission of instilling environmental stewardship among the next generation and improving the quality of the watersheds within our communities. A unique grant opportunity is available and open to Ohio residents only.
Learn move about Caring for our Watersheds
Find Us at a Conference or Event
The Nutrients for Life Team attends a number of national conferences and events for educators each year. Be sure to stop by our booth to pick up resources for your classroom!
Nutrients for Life Ambassador Program
The ambassador program provides an opportunity for educators to become spokes persons for the Nutrient for Life curriculum and materials. The goal is to provide other educators with information about the importance of soil science in your classrooms. Learn more about the duties here. Learn more about the incentives for 2021.
Journey 2050 Guest Speaker Program
The Journey 2050 program is an educational program for students in grades 7-12 that challenges participants to answer the question “How will we sustainably feed nearly 10 billion people by the year 2050?” In some states an agricultural expert is available to serve as a guest speaker to help you bring the Journey 2050 experience into your classroom. Learn more about the Journey 2050 program or play the game.

Classroom Contests and Awards Programs
Our contests and classroom grants allow you or your students to earn prizes and recognition while reinforcing important concepts related to soil science and sustainable agriculture. Below is a list of our current grants and contest programs:
- #MadePossibleByFertilizer Digital Contest