
Nutrients in the Garden 18: Oh Hail
Oh Hail! I watched the dark clouds roll in as I weeded the garden. I thought I would weed until it started raining, however, when the lightning started I headed to the house. Within twenty minutes, the garden was gone. Hail and high winds shredded my tender plants as I helplessly watched from the window.
Nutrients in the Garden 1: Seeds
Boots, gloves, and thinking about gardening have kept me warm this artic winter! I am ready to trade it all in for mud boots, garden gloves, and the soft earth below my feet. In the meantime, we can start planning the garden. It’s not too early!
Garden Recipe: Pumpkin Puree
Making pumpkin puree is simple and straightforward. We are accustomed to the convenience of the grocery store, but I don't think we realize how easy food preservation can be. I’m not saying that I make everything from scratch but when I do, I feel a sense of satisfaction and pride.
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